Goals of brand, positioning, attributes

Neuroresearch aimed at studying the brand, positioning, attributes, sheds a light on the following topics:

  • Studying the perception of the brand, identifying element including association tests
  • Testing the concepts of product/brand positioning and its marketing-mix elements in terms of: attractiveness/ emotional perception, benefits and drawbacks of the concept, understanding the key message, relevance of the category
  • Testing of the slogan/ logo/ celebrity etc, assessment of its relevance for the brand and advertising/marketing strategy

Research Objects

  • Naming, brand name
  • Positioning concepts, attributes, key claims
  • Brand positioning vs marketing-mix elements
  • Logo/ slogan/ celebrity vs brand
Equipment and methods used

In order to achieve our goals we use a complex methodology that combines classical research methods and neurotools to identify applied and targeted insights.

Obtained metrics and indicators
  • Strength of associations between the brand and its attributes
  • Strength and sign of emotional reaction towards the brand/ positioning/ celebrity
  • Remembering visual embodiment of the brand compared to competitors
  • Emotional and rational assessment of the tested objects
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