Valery Cherepennikov, Director of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Project Office of the Nizhny Novgorod Region IT Campus NEIMARK," and Natalia Galkina, General Director of Neurotrend, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at implementing and developing neurotechnologies in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
"The incorporation of a neurotechnological component into the IT campus program, as a comprehensive technology, holds significant importance. Leading scientists and innovative companies worldwide are engaged in cognitive technologies, highlighting the necessity to maintain a high competitive standard across the entire spectrum of creating neurotechnological solutions, ranging from education and infrastructure development to support and scaling measures. The synergy between educational institutions and design institutes with industrial partners - neurotechnology practitioners operating at the intersection of science and business, capable of transforming scientific innovations into marketable products - plays a pivotal role," noted Valery Cherepennikov.
The collaboration between ANO "NEIMARK" and JSC "Neurotrend" aims to enhance the quality of education, considering the current requirements of practical applications, and to establish a training system for educational programs in various fields, including information and infocommunication technologies, artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies, microelectronics, software and hardware systems, and information security.
"We view the most effective path towards the formation and advancement of cognitive technologies in Russia as an open partnership involving science, business, and the government. Hence, we are building a network of neurolaboratories in Russia, bringing together these three sectors. Presently, our network comprises 17 neurolaboratories, staffed by experts in biology, mathematics, economics, and a robust social and humanitarian division. Collaborating with ANO NEIMARK will significantly bolster the IT aspect of the network neurolaboratories, facilitating joint research endeavors," stated Natalia Galkina.
The initiative to establish a world-class interuniversity IT campus in Nizhny Novgorod is part of the national project "Science and Universities," implemented by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science under the approval of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It aims to attract talented young individuals to science, enhance the engagement of the professional community in addressing strategically vital scientific challenges, and foster a comprehensive understanding of the groundbreaking achievements of Russian science through collaboration between the government, scientific community, and business sector.