NTI Neuronet experts presented the first version of the neurotechnologist's code of ethics at the project-educational intensive course "Arkhipelag" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

"The problems of neuroethics can be divided into three large blocks, which include ensuring freedom and security of data, risks associated with improving a person at his request without medical indications, and social changes that the spread of neurotechnologies may entail," shared Natalia Galkina, CEO of Neurotrend.

The code includes 9 points, including:

Social responsibility of neurotechnologists

Protection of personal data

Priority of the natural over the artificial

Objective information for society about research results

Development of an ethical code is a significant step in ensuring the safe and responsible use of advanced technologies.

Source: https://ria.ru/20240717/neyrotekhnologi-1960263169.html